This post somehow was deleted three times! Since I don't have that much time to write and I was thoroughly annoyed that I had to keep writing the same things over, I just left it for a while. Fourth time's a charm, right? Determined to post before Christmas!
This is the second Thanksgiving in our house and our fourth married Thanksgiving, so we are starting to form patterns for the holidays. These patterns somewhere along the way are then deemed traditions. Our new little family has just a few traditions that happen around Thanksgiving. First, we watch Elf while decorating our Christmas tree! Watching Elf is the start to the holiday season!
"Buddy the Elf! What's your favorite color?"
Hubs has a specific way of putting the lights on the tree, so I let him to that and I am in charge of "fluffing" our fake branches.
Maverick then does his part and takes off the bottom third of the decorations |
Hubs love decorating the outside too, which is wonderful because usually it's cold outside= no fun.
Our next "tradition" that was started last year was that we hosted Thanksgiving at our house for both our families. Everyone brings a little something and we FEAST! I was a little frazzled having been sick the week leading up to
Thanksgiving, trying to clean the house and prepare four guest rooms.
Guess my sleep deprivation is to blame for zesting a grapefruit into the
cranberry sauce instead of an orange! We had so much fun with all of
the family (missing Aunt Sharon and Megs!). Looks like this tradition
is here to stay!
This was their pregame:) |
My centerpieces were inspired from a DIY off Pinterest. Cranberries and floating candles! |
That Carson! He's such a talker! |
Finally got to meet Aunt Peggy! |